Monday 21 May 2012

Workout and Diet experiment

Mio water enhancer (Can be purchased at co -op)
mio water enhancer nutrition facts
My goal (3 of this 24 oz water bottle per day) Can be purchased at cosco in packs of 3 
Magazine i got my workout from (can be purchased any drug store)

Beginning of workout
The Absolute Best Bikini Workout is Here
"All you need is a month, a chair, and a little determination says the guy who helped Carrie Underwood look like this!"
"Call him the bikini whisperer: Tony Greco is the trainer who transformed Carrie Underwoods body from pot - idol to beach goddess. So of course we asked him for a workout that tones the abs, thighs, and butt- the areas on full display in your average two-piece. For his routine, warm up with one minute jumping jacks, then do another minute after each four -move circuit, Aim for three circuits three days a week. (Don't forget your usual cardio ; 30 minutes three times a week.) And channel Underwoods stick-to-itiveness: "Carrie takes the exercises I give her and does them religiously on her own," says Greco. "She understands results dont happen tomorrow, but hard work will pay off." Your own hard work will deliver results in about a month. Thanks, Bikini whisperer! - Shawn Dreisbach"

"Four Moves You Need
1.Toe Tap
(works your calves, butt, hips, thighs, abs and back)
-Stand facing abench or chair with feet hip width apart. Step right foot onto bench. Rise upand tap toes of left foot lightly on bench as shown; quickly step left foot back down, touhing just the ball of foot to the floor. Do 12 reps, then repeat to other side."

Second and last page of workout
"2. Skater Lunge
(works your calves, butt, hips, thighs, abs , and back)
-Greco calls this move the natural butt lift-nice! Stand with your knees bent about 90
 degrees and left leg extended a bit behind your right, as shown above left. From here, take a big leap to the left side, landing with your knees bent and your right foot crossed behind your left, as shown above right. Pause for two counts to get your balance, then leap back to start. (think speed skating). Do 12 lunges to each side (24 total) for one set.

3. Bulgarian Lunge
(used by a Bulgarian weight lidting team, this wors your calves, butt, hips, and thighs)
-Stand several feet in front of a sturdy bench or chair (facing away from it) with feet hip width apart and hands clasped together in fron of chest, Rest top of left foot on bench. Slowly bend right knee 90 degrees, as shown; pause, then push back up. Do 12 reps, switch legs, and repeat,

4.Side Plank
(works back, abs, and obliques)
-Lie on your right side with your legs and hips stacked; prop yourself up on your forearm (elbowdirectly under shoulder). Slowly lift hips off the floor as high as you can. To really challenge absand obliques (and tone inner thighs), lift left leg up and reach left arm straight over shoulder, palm facing out, as shown. Hold for thirty seconds. Switch sides."

Your workout (or my workout should look like this)
1 minute of jumping jacks
Toe Tap
Skater Lunge
Bulgarian lunge
Side Plank
repeat twice
30 minutes of cardio
So to start off, i am not very comfortable with my bod, but a lot of people aren't. the first thing i want to say is that to have better self esteem you nee a better self body image. Working out may not make you look like a model but it does make you feel better. The start of my blog is going to be my workout i did that day and what i ate that day. i will probably update this daily or weekly. it just depends. Im going to start with the workout i got in Glamours May 2012 magazine. Pictures posted and described in detail at top.. I am doing this to see if this will work. I regularly do cardio so the thirty minutes of cardio with the added on workout moves wont be such a drastic change. not causing health problems or anything. If you want to try this, and don't regularly do cardio, i don't recommend to just start right off the bat. You should gradually work into it. If you do exercise but getting faint or dizzy stops you, i recomend, bad eating habits could be the cause of that. Back to my experiment: My goal is to drink 3 24 ounce water bottles (a picture will also be posted). My purpose for this experiment is to see if i actually will see results within a month (like it promises me). This is not a very hard experiment, i encourage you all to try this kind of experiment. Hopefully i will receive postitve feedback. I am also looking to see if i will lose weight from this workout / experiment. i will often be updating my blog. I will post pictures along the journey as well.self esteem is very important and i want to remind you guys that i am not doing this to try and be better or live up to someone else's standards of me, i am doing this as an experiment to see if magazines are giving us false hope and just using the fact that people don't feel comfortable with their weight to gain them some money. So information you need to know about this is that i am 15 turning 16 in less than a month, about 5'9 and weigh 148 pounds at the end of an unhealthy day (didnt watch what i ate that day). Possible roadblocks or whatever include me not wanting to drink water or not liking the taste. how to get past that road block would include me having mio which is a water enhancer to make it taste like juice but it does not add any calories or any fat or anything to water.(picture for proof) does nothing but change the color and flavor.(picture also will be posted) Not being motivated could also be a potential barrier. I can make a workout playlist to keep me going. By eating healthy throughout the day, i will be able to do my full workout by the end of the day . I will record what times i worked out, for how long, and what my workout included. i will also record what i ate and how much of it.This will all start tomorrow,. this is the start for feeling better. A picture will be posted of my stomach now and my stomach in a month. My diet and excericise routines will not start until tomorrow (Tuesday May 22nd 2012). I will be working out 3 times a week the workout will include these excercises and thirty minutes of cardio. the recomended workout is  3 -5 days a week. 30 minuites of cardio with added strength or so moves. All the information for you guys to know and for you guys to join is on here. i hope you enjoyed this blog and are atleast somewhat motivated! Ill see you next time!

ps,The reason i did this blog today is for motivation and because i dont think i will have time tomorrow. on June 22nd you will see another long blog about my journey. This will be the longest blog i am pretty sure! have a wonderful day!
Picture of my stomach before diet.